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Tanatos/Bugbear: A 2002 keylogger virus that targeted financial institutions and spread to 150 countries.Storm Worm: This worm showed up in 2007 and attacked millions of computers with an email about approaching bad weather.Its financial cost has been pegged at $10.4 billion, but not reliably. Swen: Written in C++, the Swen computer worm disguised itself to look like a 2003 OS update.Yaha: Yet another worm with several variants, thought to be the result of a cyber-war between Pakistan and India.Mimail: This worm tried to harvest data from infected machines to launch a string of DDoS attacks, but was relatively easy to remove."They truly believe that subjugation and segregation is OK if you are nice to your human property."Ĭomedian Jermaine "FunnyMaine" Johnson posted: "Racism, miseducation and delusion served with a smile! Tallassee, AL ladies and gentlemen. Twitter users were shocked at the attitudes displayed by people in the Netflix wrote: "White people even now are seriously thinking that racism means being mean and cruel to people, not the literal ownership of people through slavery. In a later scene from the full-length "Chelsea Does Racism" episode, the woman tells Handler she finds her questions "antagonizing" and "hurtful."

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The woman tells Handler she knows this to be true because of her "family heritage," adding that she had been told the stories since she was young from "people whose grandparents lived it." We just love … They were just all a big family." "There may have been one that would do that to their slave just because they're a mean, bad person, but the majority of them would not do that. The woman who was seen earlier telling Handler she is not racist says: "I would think one would be the beating of people. The clip then shows Handler asking the first group of Tallassee residents what Hollywood gets wrong in its depictions of slavery.

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"Those people produced their crops, worked their fields, so you're not gonna mistreat something like that." Would you take a tractor that you just bought brand new and tear it up, misuse it? No, you're going to take care of it, 'cause you just spent a pile of money on that. The man then seems to compare slaves to farming equipment, when he says: "People were taken care of. Handler asks him if the North trying to abolish slavery was a good or bad thing, to which he replies: "Sometimes I think the bad things are portrayed more than the good things." He tells Handler that people on both sides felt they were fighting for a just cause. The North and the South was dividing too much. When Handler asks what the war was about, one man tells her: "States' rights. She then speaks to two men dressed as Confederate soldiers for a Civil War re-enactment. Handler replies: "Yeah, it seems like a very progressive city." But that says a lot for what Tallassee represents." While discussing stereotypes about people from the South, a woman tells Handler they are not racist because she attends a church where white people and Black people worship together.Ī man tells Handler there is a Black woman who attends the church who wants to be known as "Big Momma." The woman then adds: "Oh, Big Momma's wonderful, everybody knows Big Momma."Ī second woman tells Handler there are two minorities serving on the local police force, saying: "There's two women. In the footage, Handler talks to residents of Tallassee, Alabama, about racism and slavery. Please help me understand what I just watched. The video was shared with the caption: "Please help me understand what I just watched.

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The clip-which comes from "Chelsea Does Racism," an episode of Chelsea Handler's 2016 series Chelsea Does-was posted on Twitter by late on Tuesday night and has been watched more than 315,000 times.

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A resurfaced clip of Alabama residents defending slavery in 'Chelsea Does Racism' has gone viral.Ī video showing Alabama residents insisting that slaves were not treated badly has gone viral on social media. A Confederate Navy Jack flag at the base of Confederate Mound on August 23, 2017, in Chicago, Illinois.

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